Tuesday, September 23, 2014

#1 Greeting Post

Hi I'm Catherine from Jakarta, Indonesia. I have been in Taiwan for about 1 year.
There are many people ask me about why I decided to came to Taiwan for my University life.
It was just so simple, because in Indonesia I have no idea about which University that I want to apply with, so I decided to came to Taiwan.

When I first came to Taiwan, I was learning like a preparation for Chinese Overseas Student for about 2 months in National Taiwan Normal University (Linkou District) . So for about 2 months, I was learning English, Mandarin and Mathematics for the test.
When I've already completed my test, I was waiting for the final result which can brought me to the University.

The final result was about 1 week after the test, I was so nervous and so scared that I couldn't pass the test. But luckily I've passed the test and I went to National Taipei University of Business and it was my 8th option of 70th.
So that's all about my Introduction, Thanks for reading~ 


  1. gausa sombong deh lu pajang2 segala xD

  2. Catherine, nice introduction. Taiwan is a nice place, with friendly people Believe you'll like your study here.
