Wednesday, October 29, 2014

#Randall's Cyber Listening Lab

Here's my 4th assignment given by Mrs.Sally~
We were told to listen to the two audio clips then list three words/phrases/sentences that we've learned from each clip included the meaning and give 1 to 2 example for each word/phrases from what we've learned.

The first audio is  College Life (level: easy)
1. hectic 
very busy; full of activity
example: Today was too hectic for me.                   
                   School has been really hectic these days.

2. major
related to somebody's main subject of study in college
example: We have encountered major problems.
               There were calls for major changes to the welfare system.

3. support 
to help or encourage somebody/something by saying or showing that you agree with them/it
example: If you raise it at the meeting, I'll support you.
              These measures are strongly supportedby environmental groups. 

The second audio is A Story to Remember (level: medium)
1. disappeared
to become impossible to see
example: The plane disappeared behind a cloud.
               Lisa watched until the train disappeared from view

2. bizarre
very strange or unusual
example: That's the most bizarre story I've ever heard.
               How come he looks so bizarre in that style. 

3. approaching
to come near to somebody/something in distance or time
example: We heard the sound of an approaching car/a car approaching.
               The time is fast approaching when we shall have to make a decision.

This is all I've learned from listening to the two audio clips.

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